Monday, August 8, 2011

Ruben Toledo Penguin Classics Book Cover Art

 While seeing what the rather sad Borders liquidation sale had to offer this weekend, I found several new (and amazing) book covers of interest.

 The first to pop out at me was this striking, long-haired version of Bram Stoker's "Dracula."

Which I nearly bought. And still may. I did take home the second cover which struck me as original, unique, amazing and needed on my shelf: this take on Charlotte Bronte's "Jane Eyre."

 Some light Google-ing has shown the artist to be a Ruben Toledo, born in Cuba in 1961, who is described as "a painter, sculptor, fashion chronicler and critic and surrealist." Toledo has done what appears to be a continuing set of Penguin Classics, done in an attractive paperback, with French folds.

 I've found the front and back covers for "Pride and Prejudice," "Wuthering Heights," and "The Scarlet Letter." With my known soft-spot for book covers and book cover art, I may be adding more of these to my collection, soon. I've also found some of his front cover art for "The Picture of Dorian Grey."