Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Who I Write Like, Apparently....

I do believe I am several weeks late to the "I Write Like" bandwagon. For those of you who do not know, or may have been away from your computer the last few hazy summer weeks, "I Write Like" is a website which analyzes pieces of your writing you may copy and paste into its analyzer, and it spits out a match as to who its machine thinks you write like.

Margaret Atwood, quite famously, found out she writes like Stephen King, and announced this via her Twitter account. (Note to self, even though you are nowhere near the awesomeness of Atwood, you need to get a Twitter account on which to follow her.)

Picture: Tulu, 3x6.net
So I decided I had to have some fun with this. I cut, pasted a paragraph from my last post on "A Mirror for Witches," and found out the paragraph which starts off "And throughout the novel the voice never stops..." apparently writes like the master of horror and the macabre, H.P. Lovecraft.

And a post from my other blog on the crypts of the Capuchin monks in Rome apparently reads like Dan Brown, though I am hoping that is only for the copious references to Rome, monks and crypts. I'm scared to test some of my fiction... perhaps I'll gather up the courage, soon. But for now I am content with the Lovecraft comparison.

Who do you write like?

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